Monday, June 21, 2010

I am......

I am a wisp of smoke in the wind.

I am the nameless face that stands behind you.

I am your paperweight holding down your fortress.

I am your slave waiting to be given orders.

I am the child that is afraid of you and quakes at your anger.

I am the tongue that says what yours cannot.

I am the gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

I am small and helpless in your eyes.

I am stupid.

I am numb.

I am cold.

I am afraid.

I am sad.

I am your pin cushion to be used only when you wish it.

I am your errand girl who runs only when you will it.

I am your shoulder to cry on even though you will not see it.

I am your rock even though you will never admit it.

I am your constant amidst all your chaos.

I am your safety from your self-inflicted danger.

I am the thorn in your side.

I am the voice you wish to drown out the most.

I am all of these things and yet there is one thing that I am not......

I am not your LOVE.................

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