Monday, June 7, 2010

As I walked through the shadows, silently creeping,
I heard a small noise, a child's frightened weeping,
She was what I'd been hunting, up my spine came a chill,
I crept ever closer and I braced for the kill,
My muscles were twitching, my paws ached to leap,
As I watched the small figure lying there in a heap,
Her body was shaking, hands over her head,
Little did she know that soon she would be dead,
She looked up quite suddenly, as if in suprise,
And she stared at me with her sparkling eyes
She was pale as a ghost, yet her face was still gleaming.
As I lept to attack her, she was smiling, not screaming,
Suddenly in mid-air I realized my mistake,
This child was not crying, it all had been fake,
Terror struck my mind as understanding came,
I had always been the target in this dangerous game,
She opened her mouth and spread her teeth wide,
As she ran at me in a nonhuman stride,
Before I could adjust or have time to think,
My neck screamed in pain as I felt her teeth sink,
Into my flesh, the warm blood slowly ran,
Down my back as she held me aloft with one hand,
I swung there like a doll, imobile and helpless,
As my life was drained, and I drew my last breath,
I had come here to capture, yet I had been caught,
As I sank to the ground, I thought my last thought,
If I had only known what was going to transpire,
that night in the dark when I met a vampire........


  1. Every night another fight. Every day another wait. Every time staring out the glass, knowing inside that this all shall pass. One day there will only be laughter and light. So hard to believe on a night like tonight. Alone in the shadows creeping along. Waiting for someone to answer this song. Singing for forever if that is what it takes. No one will save you from this terrible place. So alone walk away in your own strength. Too weak to run so once again crawl. Like you did back then when there was no one at all. Pink mist falls as you pass through the hall. Everything falls as the blood from the wall...

  2. I like that alot...better than mine....
